Monday, September 26, 2011

creepin ya out yet?

He was bleeding everywhere.

You got what you wanted! He thought. Fucking pretty, perfect, immortal. So was Medusa, and she turned the world to crumbling stone. The thought made him feel better as he watched her disappear between thin silver trees. He moved to turn away, but she was murderously cunning and she let her eyes catch his for a moment. From so far away he felt his lungs tighten and something brave inside him ran off like a squirrel in the road. She was suddenly all the rapids in the world and he became so many dead leaves and lost himself in her thundering crush. "You're fucked," she reminded him, because he'd forgotten. The bed came back to him and the woman beside him was not who he had imagined she was, and there was no air in the room. It was only the stench of cheap cigarettes and something else...something shameful and afraid. He let his eyes roll wildly and tried to feel the rapids again, or see Medusa in the trees. He wished life had stopped at that moment...he wished he had been turned to stone by that beautiful never-dying bitch. But he was only stoned, and though a thin body clung to his and she would stay with him until he asked her to leave, she didn't feel real. He could feel her decaying slowly beside him. He was stoned and alone, because real women die. They rot like fallen leaves.

"Want to fuck then?" What's it like to kill someone, is a better question. Outside the street lights were untrusting and shyly flickered in and out. This was unusual for the area, because he lived well. He thought of it as a sign and stood up and the girl beside him took this as a cue to writhe in the bed like a snake on crack. He walked to the window, the cigarette in his hand burning so low that it's smoulder kissed his finger-tips. Another forgettable night in a tragic city on the edge of going insane and yet he wouldn't leave because he was waiting. The girl said something that didn't make it to him and then sulked and popped a pill of something that was on the nightstand. He had lost track of what pills he kept lying around, probably a fucking perk to boost her self esteem because he actually didn't care what she had to say from that bed. It didn't exist and neither did she. Silver trees existed. A woman who was a river was real, who flowed in and out of his future and moved the sand pit inside him. "You're so close to where I am, you're breathing it. Open your eyes and fucking look for it." She had said that Friday while pulling the guts out of a rabbit and smearing them on one of the shining trunks beside her. The rabbit had no blood, it's insides were dry and dusty and unbelievably gold. I wonder why, "why is there no blood?" It's not real, she had said. Rip apart anyone you know and you'll find sparkling dust. They're pretend, they're all fairy tales. You're real though. You'll bleed. You and I are the only two here that will bleed when you cut us. And we'll bleed forever because we live forever.

The girl on the bed was only a sack of sand. Outside, a man in the street was drunk. He tripped on the curb and tumbled first onto his knees and then sideways onto his back like a tossed turtle. He wanted to rip a hole in this world and all it's unbearable mediocrity. What the fuck was there to wait for? It only made sense to start stabbing the moment in the heart and tear it open by the sternum to see inside. Where was the place he wanted, where were the woods? He's a crazy, crazy man and the girl on the bed doesn't even know. She's high and vulnerable and very oblivious as she sits only feet from someone who is dangerously insane. Or at least, that's what someone would think if they could read his thoughts. But he's not crazy because he's right. It's all pretend. We write stories and we write legends but really, were the tales. There are others who write us. And the Medusa in the woods is one of them and he is too. Give him time, he'll find the paper.


Cray wishes one couldn't feel so many different ways at once. You can want it but not, and love it with all your heart and want to be free of it. Inside the mind of Cray, there are tornadoes. Cliffs. Great falls and caves dark like black and white bad have them often enough and wake up feeling guilty, because they're dreams that make you feel terrible. One can't hear a thing in those nightmares, but awake now Cray hears everything. Cray sees all the strange things around and wants to be a part of all things strange. Cray is a plug with a million sockets, Cray is vanilla ice cream and the world is candy chocolate nuts driving Cray crazy. Fucking loopy. Do you feel like you're in love Cray? The world is so pretty. Cray feels like it's a walk in the park, a garden with gorgeous tall trees and flowers. The trees are so strong, so supportive. They will always be there. Cray touches a metaphorical mind-tree and feels safe underneath in the brain-shade. The flowers wink. They are pretty and flirtatious but they die so quickly. The sun'll burn you crisp when you sit out and touch the flowers for too long, but don't try to crawl back to your tree. They're jealous things and they won't tolerate your promiscuous garden travels. Cray will stay next to the trees and carve a name in them but will always remember what flowers smell like. They smell so nice.

Friday, September 16, 2011


THE REASON I PREFER POSTING STATUSES OVER WRITING IN MY BLOG IS WHEN IM WRITING IN MY BLOG THERE IS IMMENSE PRESSURE TO WRITE SOMETHING MEANINGFUL WHEREAS MY STATUSES CAN BE SHORT AND INANE AND I FEEL LIKE IT WONT MATTER. I WAS CREEPING BLOGS AND SOME PEOPLE HAVE SUCH INTERESTING LIVES AND MY LIFE IS NOT AT ALL INTERESTING ALTHOUGH IT IS RANDOM. BUT THE THINGS THAT HAPPEN TO ME NO ONE ELSE WOULD CARE ABOUT. You know when something small but crazy happens, like you pick up the phone and there's someone already on it and they were just trying to call you and you were JUST about to call them and it never rang because you both picked up the phone simultaneously, but when you tell anyone else they don't give a fuck because as miraculously awesome as it was, it didn't happen to them so they just say "woah cool...anyways I tried vanilla soy milk in my flakes this morning..." and you feel disappointed that your phone occurrence didn't have a greater impact on their day? Deep breath. That's my life. Like I got lost two months ago and some guy helped me GPS to where I was going and then I saw him at Kid Cudi. I talked about it all night and morning to TJ and he just didn't care, but you can bet your bottom dollar if it happened to him he'd tell me all about it and I'd be the one nodding and saying "mhm", distracted by my protein shake (he drank some today.)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I thought people would miss me on fb. Turns out everyone wants me to die.
I posted a (in my opinion) hilaaaarious post about rogers guys being aliens, and was accused of not going through with my blog idea. It's hard to just rip myself off of fb. I always thought people loved my posts and thought I was a regular facebook comedian. CLEARLY, I have been looking at the world through rose shade glasses (which is impossible as my glasses have no lenses). I'm sorry facebook status box, I didn't mean to be so clingy. I understand it's over and you don't feel that way about me anymore. IT'S A HARD BREAKUP AND I'LL PROBABLY CALL YOU WHEN IM DRUNK LIKE I HAVE EVERY OTHER GUY I EVER FELL IN LOVE WITH.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

money money money

We have protein powder. It was 50 bucks, and TJ bought it...but never drinks it. I drink it. I put it in my soy milk and then I do squats. The goal here is to make my ass huge and rock hard. I feel like people who come over must think we're a bad ass health-nut couple when they walk in and see a barrel of strawberry flavoured muscle building WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE. Someone should let TJ know that his weight-gain powder is being slowly consumed by his 115 pound girlfriend. It's okay though, I can't possibly drink the whole jug unless I give myself a whey protein enema (and I don't know how to perform enemas yet...soon.)


Supa fupa is a contradiction.  A fupa is a fat upper pelvic region, where as a supa is something Danielle and I just made up which is a SMALL upper pelvic region. Therefore if you are to state that someone has a supa fupa, you are in effect saying something that makes no sense and you need to sit back down and reconsider your life. I mean come on, the fact that you are finding yourself in a situation where you can even USE the word fupa (or supa for that matter) means its time to change the direction in which you are headed. Seriously, this is good advice I promise. You don't want to end up like me and my lesbian friend.


Step one, pretend to care.

I made a blog. Take that, Creative Advertising. Copywriter in the making. Like a fledgling owl hurling myself off a tree (sorry for the intense metaphor, I'm in a mood) takin' my first dainty babysteps into writing shit down. It'll mostly consist of me reposting my facebook notes here.