Friday, September 16, 2011


THE REASON I PREFER POSTING STATUSES OVER WRITING IN MY BLOG IS WHEN IM WRITING IN MY BLOG THERE IS IMMENSE PRESSURE TO WRITE SOMETHING MEANINGFUL WHEREAS MY STATUSES CAN BE SHORT AND INANE AND I FEEL LIKE IT WONT MATTER. I WAS CREEPING BLOGS AND SOME PEOPLE HAVE SUCH INTERESTING LIVES AND MY LIFE IS NOT AT ALL INTERESTING ALTHOUGH IT IS RANDOM. BUT THE THINGS THAT HAPPEN TO ME NO ONE ELSE WOULD CARE ABOUT. You know when something small but crazy happens, like you pick up the phone and there's someone already on it and they were just trying to call you and you were JUST about to call them and it never rang because you both picked up the phone simultaneously, but when you tell anyone else they don't give a fuck because as miraculously awesome as it was, it didn't happen to them so they just say "woah cool...anyways I tried vanilla soy milk in my flakes this morning..." and you feel disappointed that your phone occurrence didn't have a greater impact on their day? Deep breath. That's my life. Like I got lost two months ago and some guy helped me GPS to where I was going and then I saw him at Kid Cudi. I talked about it all night and morning to TJ and he just didn't care, but you can bet your bottom dollar if it happened to him he'd tell me all about it and I'd be the one nodding and saying "mhm", distracted by my protein shake (he drank some today.)

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